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June & July workshop & fieldtrip...

For our June meeting we will be having a workshop on how to make Hypertufas!
Sat. June 14th at 9:30am at Nancy's house. Email me or call if you need directions. 664.2747. Gwen from the Strafford Garden Club will be helping us make them. The cost per person will be only $2.00, to cover the cost of the materials!

There is a limit of 10 for how many can make one for themselves. There is also the possibility of making more, but it depends on the size of the containers.

Let me know if you would like to make one by June 11th-- first sign-up, first served! I will make the list as I hear back from people and if someone cancels, their spot will go to the next in line. If you just want to watch you are more than welcome to come!

Here is what you would need to bring if you do want to make one:
1) a container-- some good ones are: a dishpan, large deep bowl, large hanging plant plastic pot. They will get dirty so it should be something that you don't mind getting dirty. If you need a container, let me know and I will have Gwen bring a few of hers to borrow.
2) rubber gloves
3) plastic shopping bags to line your container with
4) clothing you don't mind getting dirty as we will be working with cement, sand & peat!

For our July meeting we will have a field trip to Golden Meadows in Somersworth on Wednesday July 16, 5:45pm (meeting time for carpooling). The tour takes about 1 hour. Final details as well as info for the meeting place for carpooling are still to be determined. More info to come closer to the date.

Barrington Farm Tour Day. June 29th 10-3pm.
If you are interested in representing the Barrington Bloomers please contact Coleen. or 664.9711. For more info see the latest issue of the Town Common. This message was received from Yellow House Farm...
This is Joseph Marquette of Yellow House Farm on 202. I am writing with regards to Barrington Farm Tour Day. We are inviting appropriate organizations, who wish to use this day to spread the word about their organization, to set up informatioanl booths at our farm. If this sounds like something of interest to Barrington Bloomers, feel free to come set up a table. BETF, Seacoast Eat Local and (perhaps) Slow Food Seacoast will be here.
Cheers, Joseph
PS: While you're hear, you can check out our gardens. We planned the day to coincide with Hollyhocks ;-)"

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