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April Meeting Notes 2012/4/18

2012/04/18       April Meeting Notes

Barrington Bloomers meeting held at the library

10 members in attendance

Meeting to decide on garden sculpture:  Three entries were presented for voting. The sculpture chosen was by Joshua Torbick of Portsmouth. Titled "Nest in Oak and Steel" runner up was Adam Pearson who had been our first sculpture in the garden artist. Great job on all the entries, too bad we could only pick one! Nancy will make the decal for the plaque. Joshua wins $200 prize money for this entry. He will erect the new sculpture by mid-May.

Also thanks to Joanne Pearson for taking the sculpture we had up since last year back to Jill Noonan from Bedrock Gardens.

Thanks to all for helping with the town garden cleanup. Sure goes quick with lots of people. Thanks to Jeff and Kim for hauling all the debris away. Thanks to Bob and Lynn for bringing the mulch. Other members in attendance: Coleen, Nancy, Heather, Joanne, Barb, Marilyn, Lydia, Karolina and Cindi. great job everyone!

Karolina will Woodburn plant names on stakes, as requested by people visiting the garden.

Sign-up sheet for garden maintenance schedule was passed around. will post when completed.

May 16 we will be doing a tour of Rolling Greens Nursery in Greenland. Time will be 6:00pm so car pooling will have to leave no later than 5:15 from the library. Rain date will be May 23rd. Beth the owner has offered to give us a 10% discount for that evening on purchases. Hope you all can join us for this.

WE need to get confirmation of attendance for the Pickity Place field trip in Mason, NH. Dates are June16 or 23, both are on a Saturday as It's about and hour & ahalf away. We will carpool for this and will announce the actual seating time when we get confirmation. It is a wonderful place to tour the gardens and enjoy the 3 course meal made from local homegrown fare. Hope you can attend.

It was suggested as a possible field trip to Misty Meadows Farm and Herbal Center, Karolina was looking into this for us.

June 2 will be the Friends of the Library's annual plant sale. We will need volunteers as we plan on having a raffle for Barrington Bloomers on site during the sale. It's a great time to stock up on new plants and learn from other gardeners in attendance. The raffle will be a gift certificate for Golden Meadows in Somersworth, NH. Thanks to Cyndi Cowland for her donation.

Happy gardening!

Cindi H

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